Friday, 20 May 2011

Muhammad Irsyad

Budak ni baik lah jugak
but sometimes dia suka cicak :P
Jokes around haha..
dia baik..but katakan I dia hero lah jugak HAHA
hmm..he likes to protec me..
dia pakai speck ! huhu..dia baik...suka buat lawakk
Haha..,,dia ni..kadang2 x friendly..
and he is my friend..
Jup dia suka aku ke :P
x kan :|

Farah is HAPPY

Today i feel so GREAT !!and today i feel so AWESOME !
yeah do you see my blog HEADER ? nice ? yeah !
i do it by myself..No one can copy okay ?
we have a  deal YOU all cannot copy like me
UNDERSTOOD ! yeah now ,
i want to change my BACKGROUND !
hurmm, i think i don't know...
it's hard to find a beautiful background..
now i'm using a hearts..BUT everytime i see it..i feel so boring to see it
HAHA  , anything today is a


Thursday, 19 May 2011

Enjoy ?

Enjoy ? memang lah boleh..but result how ?
exam you make me tension , marah , takut erghh !!
nak kena tunggu lagii !! i hate lah. haritu ,
berlakunya school attck kan ?  lepastu exam ? lepastu belajar sekejap kan ?
lepastu exam ?!! memang baru baru ni jantung aku memang x sedap lah..Sampai aku rindu aku punya Facebook..
lepehtu duk melayan NOFITICATIONS yang begitu banyak ! ( cehh fb je ) Haihh enjoy
tu mmg lah boleh..tapi jangan sampai melebih pulakk ==''
Okay sekarang nak enjoy usik my cat pun x boleh ni
apa macam ? my mom ni membebel lah katakan..sbb suruh belajar kan..
Sikit enjoyy pun x bolehh..Balik sekolah , mandi , solat , makan ..tidur ? Wow jangan harap nak tidur
BELAJAR sekarang !!! nak enjoy tidur pun x boleh :P Memang lah , exam ni huh parah !
sampai main basikal pun x boleh ni ape macam ? Huh !! just want to relax my mind kan..Haihh
Mama ni memang sensitive :P sedih i tau !! :'(

                        Nampak gambar ni ? aku tengok pun dah seram sejuk !! sabor jelah ~

Exam ? Jangan harap :|

I hate exam..nasib baik esok last..i hate u exam
bukanlah benci exam, x best lah
first of all x boleh ~~~ >

1. x boleh bukak FB
2.Handphone x boleh pegang
3.Computer pegang sikit pun x boleh
4. main kat luar x boleh
5.taekwondo CUTI !err =='
6.main kucenk ? x de mase !
7.tgk telivisyen ? NO NO !!
8.dgr lagu ? NO ! wayy
9. main basikal ! heii x boleh ! orang ? No !

Ni semua in my life kalau berlakunya exam..memang tension sangat buat aku marah
ish tolong exam aku benci kau..make it stop lah..asal lah exam ada dalam hidup kita kan ?
haha , bukanlah nak mengutuk !! just marah sbb tu semuaa harus di tangguhkan :P cehh !
Exam you suck haha :P ..Hurmm exam ? jangan harap..ala bosannya exam kalau exam semuanya x boleh buat
lepastu kena dgr ckp mama :P "Farah kau ni jangan nak main je !!! exam kau tu ape macam ? "
"Alaaaaaa :'( bagilah can !! Exam ? exam ? SUCKS !! jangan harap nak main fb :'( "
"BELAJAR SEKARANG !! " " baiklah " with a sad voice
HUA !!!

Do i care ? :P

Bluerkk , do i care u said like that ?
level ? Huh..
u see urself before u comment me..That's why many people doesn't like you
because of your attitude..Hoho..u see urself and change..
Your attitude ? Mangaiii , sangat kurang hajar..
if u do it like this how people want to respect you ?
so u thinking first before u see me..
so i don't care what you say..
anything you just like UNLESS ! 
and SELFISH !!

Happy :)

This picture hanya ramalan aja okayy ? haha
okay okayy today my life is full of hapiest yawww :)
because of my friend..Ikmal :) he smart today with his hair , tie
best he handsome today :P
he is okay than zikry keling..HAHA..
now , i'm good with syamimi..she okay right now..
when i'm thinking back.. i and syamimi fight so FUNNY ! :Xhoho
but today happy..I hope you all DO NOT HURT PEOPLE okayy ..haha
do not accept defeat :)
I hope u all strive to be happy :) Bye bye ~ tataa

Sweet talk here :)


I can see YOU

This is Farah :)

This is Farah :)